People who have shown interest in supporting SPF include Qualcomm (makers of Eudora), Tim O'Reilly (publisher of geek books), SpamAssassin, ActiveState (makers of PureMessage), MailArmory, Declude JunkMail, and others.
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The [[ MAAWG Sender BCP]] published by the <em>Messaging Anti-Abuse WG</em> in 2007 recommends:
:''Senders should incorporate as many authentication standards and technologies as their systems can support for each of their messaging streams: Transactional, Marketing and Corporate. These standards can range from mechanisms that help identify mailers by linking IPs to domains (Sender Policy Framework, known as SPF, and Sender ID) to more complicated cryptographic technologies like Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM). At the very least, senders should incorporate SPF records for their mailing domains.''
| | The [[ MAAWG Sender BCP]] published by the <em>Messaging Anti-Abuse WG</em> in 2007 recommends:
:''Senders should incorporate as many authentication standards and technologies as their systems can support for each of their messaging streams: Transactional, Marketing and Corporate. These standards can range from mechanisms that help identify mailers by linking IPs to domains (Sender Policy Framework, known as SPF, and Sender ID) to more complicated cryptographic technologies like Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM). At the very least, senders should incorporate SPF records for their mailing domains.''