Established in late November 2004, the SPF Council consists of five democratically elected members of the project community. The council leads the project in its efforts to make SPF a widely accepted standard on the Internet and coordinates the project's public relations work.
The first elected council has set up the basic rules by which the council body itself operates:
The council communicates with itself and with the public using various dedicated resources.
Latest News on the Council
- The 2006 council elections (2006-01-02)
- In 2006, the SPF Project went on to elect its second council. Again, five council members lead the project over twelve months to solidify the SPF standard and continue the battle against e-mail sender forgery according to the visions of the project's community. More...
- SPF Council elected and organized (2004-12-22)
- The SPF Project announces the election results for its first elected council. This election is one of several steps the SPF community is taking to create a more organized, cohesive approach to fighting electronic mail abuse. More...