Wookee markup is essentially plain text; just write things down and let Wookee pretty-print them for you.
Paragraphs, Sections, Lists and Lines |
A paragraph ends with a line break. This is the next paragraph. Empty lines are ignored. | A paragraph ends with a line break.
This is the next paragraph.
Empty lines are ignored. |
You can break lines without starting a new paragraph. | You can break lines \\
without starting a new paragraph. |
Start your sections with header lines. If your wiki supports it, section headings can be used to auto-generate a table of contents. |
New Section | === New Section
Some Subsection | ==== Some Subsection
- Lists are good:
- they organize material
- they look clean
| * Lists are good:
** they organize material
** they look clean |
- Numbered lists are also good:
- very organized
- easy to follow
| # Numbered lists are also good:
## very organized
## easy to follow |
- Definition lists
- present definitions for terms
- This term
- is defined here
| ; Definition lists: present definitions for terms
; This term: is defined here |
- Mixing list types is straightforward
- first subitem
- second subitem
| * Mixing list types is straightforward
*# first subitem
*# second subitem |
- Another mixed-type list
- A definition list
- first subitem
- second subitem
| ; Another mixed-type list: A definition list
;* first subitem
;* second subitem |
Lines can be indented several levels | Lines can be
: indented
:: several levels |
if (lines start with whitespace) then
whitespace is preserved;
a monospaced font is used;
character markup can be used;
end if; | if (lines start with whitespace) then
whitespace is preserved;
a monospaced font is used;
'''character''' markup <u>can be used</u>;
end if; |
You can put quotes into a neat box if you quote them like you would quote an email from: Wookee Markup Reference
| > You can put quotes into a neat box
> if you quote them like you would quote an email
>: ''from: Wookee Markup Reference'' |
A thin horizontal dividing line: above...
...and below. | A thin horizontal dividing line: above...
...and below. |
A thick horizontal dividing line: above...
...and below. | A thick horizontal dividing line: above...
...and below. |
Character Formatting |
Text can be italic, bold or both. | Text can be ''italic'', '''bold''' or ''''both''''. |
Emoticons :-) are displayed as images :/ | Emoticons :-) are displayed as images :/ |
Technical [[terms]] , not parsed | Technical <code>[[terms]]</code>, not parsed |
Any <u>text</u>, not parsed | Any <nowiki><u>text</u></nowiki>, not parsed |
You can strike out stuff and insert new stuff. Useful for editing. | You can <strike>strike out</strike> stuff \\
and <u>insert new stuff</u>. Useful for editing. |
Make subscript or superscript text. | Make <sub>subscript</sub> or <sup>superscript</sup> text. |
Two hyphens – make a dash, three — a longer dash | Two hyphens -- make a dash, \\
three --- a longer dash |
An arrow → for conclusions and menu commands | An arrow -> for conclusions and menu commands |
Use™ certain special characters©, in fact, any ⇒HTML entity. | Use™ certain special characters©, \\
in fact, any ⇒HTML entity. |
Links and Images |
The presentation and functionality of internal links is subject to the wiki engine you are using Wookee with. If you are using Wookee on its own, internal links will probably not work at all. |
Internal links to another page | Internal links to [[another page]] |
You can override the link text | You can override the [[Sandbox|link text]] |
Reference-style external links: [1], [2] | Reference-style external links:
[[http://example.org]], [[http://example.net]] |
A named external link | A named [[http://example.org|external link]] |
External links can also be marked up with single brackets, but this syntax is only maintained for backwards compatibility and its use is highly discouraged. |
URLs and email addresses are made clickable: http://example.org (contact webmaster@example.org) | URLs and email addresses are made clickable: \\
http://example.org (contact webmaster@example.org) |
A link ending in a (recognized) image file name extension (.png, .jpg, .gif) renders the linked image inline. You can use that feature along with your wiki engine's file uploader to embed images in your pages. |
Interwiki links |
Interwiki links are shortcuts | [[Root:static/intermap|Interwiki]] links are shortcuts |
Root: is for links on this site | '''Root:''' is for links on this [[Root:blobs|site]] |
http or https fails | [[http:/blobs|http]] or [[https:/blobs|https]] fails |
RFC: is nice for RFCs | '''RFC:''' is nice for [[RFC:4408|RFCs]] |
Action: is a shortcut for actions | '''Action:''' is a shortcut for [[Action:index|actions]] |
upload: is for blobs | '''upload:''' is for [[upload:rss-16.gif|blobs]] |

| [[Action:rss|<img src="/blobs/rss-16.gif" alt="RSS" />]] |
Tables |
simple tables | allow horizontal alignment | bordered tables | include table-like presentation |
| | simple tables | allow horizontal alignment
| bordered tables | include table-like presentation |
Bordered Table | First | Second | Third | upper left | upper middle | upper right | right | center | left | centered in two cells | End |
| |||^ <wiki>=== Bordered Table</wiki> |
|^ '''First''' |^ '''Second''' |^ '''Third''' |
| upper left | upper middle | upper right |
|> right |^ center |< left |
||^ centered in two cells | <u>End</u> | |