#5: The Council Chair (obsolete)
This resolution has been superseded by resolution #26, "Positions within the council".
The Council Chair presides and moderates the council meetings, and prepares the meeting agendas with input from the council.
(Proposed on 2004-12-04 by Meng Weng Wong. Passed unanimously.)
<csm> so... who chairs the gaggle?
<csm> grumpy: chair first then others
<grumpy> ok
* grumpy nominates csm as chair
<grumpy> does anyone have experience being the chair?
* grumpy doesn't
<csm> I do
* Julian neither
<csm> but I won't do it without a second and a vote... :-)
<Julian> csm: Do you accept the nomination?
<MarkK> I second csm
<csm> yes..
* grumpy also doesn't know RRoO(r)v10 backwards and forwards
<Julian> LOL
<grumpy> other nominations?
<Julian> csm is good.
<csm> I would like to take a moment for some discussion
<csm> I have some thoughts about this
<csm> I had thought that it would likely be freeside or me
<csm> but I *MUCH* prefer that he be free to focus on the technical
aspects of what needs to be done
<csm> the *CHAIR* is really an admin position
<grumpy> yes
<Julian> I agree.
<grumpy> in some orgs, the chair can't even vote unless there is a tie
<csm> and I want to move some things along without having to get
embroiled into technical details...
<grumpy> freeside: ? MarkK ?
<csm> anyway... I think/thought/was hgoping
<csm> hoping
<freeside> ok, as long as i get some kind of title i can use to explain to the
world that i'm involved in some way here
<csm> freeside: Exect=utive Director was my choice for you
<freeside> speaking of voting, i think we should preface vote topics with a
unique identifier, and votes should correspond
<Julian> freeside: seconded
<csm> freeside: the ED runs the day to day and makes the operation go...
the chair just makes the meetings work
<MarkK> freeside: seconded
<freeside> ok, sounds good
<freeside> i vote csm to chair the meeting
<freeside> er,
<freeside> 2031a: i vote csm to chair the meeting
<grumpy> 2031a: 2nd'ed
<csm> votes?
<grumpy> votes?
<Julian> yes
<grumpy> 2031a: aye
<Julian> 2031a: yes
<csm> MarkK?
<MarkK> 2031a: yes
<freeside> 2031a: yes, though i think if i propose it i don't have to vote
again :)
<csm> that being a majority I here by call this first meeting to order!
* grumpy agrees with freeside 1432
<grumpy> Whee!
<freeside> okay, csm has the conch
<grumpy> question: who prepares the agenda? The chair, or the Executive
Director, or the Secretary?
<csm> the chair
<Julian> Yes.
<csm> who will accept incoming from all other members
<grumpy> right.
<MarkK> that sounds ok