#25: Thanks to the exiting members of the 2005 council
The 2006 council extends its thanks to the exiting members from the 2005 council: Greg Connor, Chuck Mead, Wayne Schlitt, and Meng Weng Wong, and re-affirms the following motion passed by the 2005 council:
Council members losing regular member status shall be given Advisory Member status for one election term. Advisory members have no voting rights, but shall be allowed full reading and posting access to the public and private council mailing lists and talk on the #spf-council IRC channel. The council can decide to deny advisory membership to specific past members.
(Proposed on 2006-02-04 by Mark Shewmaker. Passed unanimously.)
22:37 <shew> Motion: The new council extends its thanks to the exiting
members from the previous council: Greg Connor, Chuck Mead,
Wayne Schlitt, and Meng Weng Wong, and re-affirms the
following motion from the previous council: "Council members
losing regular member status shall be given Advisory Member
status for one election term. Advisory members have no
voting rights, but shall be allowed full reading and posting
access to the public and private council mailing lists and
talk on the #spf-council IRC channel. The council can decide
to deny advisory membership to specific past members."
22:37 <Julian> It doesn't have to be perfect. It can be paraphrased
in the minutes.
22:37 <Julian> 2237u: seconded
22:37 <Julian> Votes?
22:38 <shew> 2237u: Yes.
22:38 <Julian> 2237u: yes
22:38 <MarkK> 2237u: yes
22:38 <SDGathman> 2237u: yes
22:38 <Julian> willix?
22:39 <willix> 2237u: yes
22:39 <MarkK> motion carries!