The council shall discuss the necessity and value of creating a legal entity for the SPF project. For a legal entity the creation of formal bylaws would be required. The Council Chair shall oversee the discussion and present options to the council in the beginning of February 2005.
(Proposed on 2004-12-22 by Chuck Mead. Passed unanimously.)
<csm-laptop> 8. Should we have bylaws? Proposal to create them? (Chair)
<csm-laptop> for *THIS* body
<Julian> Define "bylaws" and explain the difference between bylaws and
what resolutions we already have.
<Julian> (#1..8, #12)
<csm-laptop> bylaws are more often used in the formation of a legal entity...
we are not yet that... but creation of "official bylaws" leads us
down that road
* grumpy isn't overly excited by the idea, but wouldn't have
objections to having someone else draw up a set of bylaws and
<MarkK> Honestly, I am not too keen on bylaws; we have already voted on
ground rules for procedures
<csm-laptop> when you create a corporation for example... you always have to
have bylaws...
<csm-laptop> for example...
<Julian> I think it should be the other way round, i.e. we should not
create formal bylaws before we decide to create a legal body.
<csm-laptop> Julian: perhaps this is my way of asking that question? ;-)
<grumpy> I think we can have bylaws w/o a legal body
<Julian> csm: I just wanted to express my opinion. :)
<csm-laptop> he-he
<MarkK> I think we should first explore what legal entity we can form
even; and then we will know what sort of bylaws we need
<Julian> grumpy: Sure we can, but I think what we currently have is going
to suffice.
<csm-laptop> okay...
<csm-laptop> here's a motion
<grumpy> Both William Leibzon and Jonathan Gardner have strongly express
views that we should have bylaws, I think we should force them to
do the work. ;-)
<Julian> "force"? "let them do the work"... ;-)
<Julian> But I suspect they would just propose adopting RROv10 or
<csm-laptop> motion: the council shall consider creation of a legal entity.
This necessitates the creation of by laws... this consideration
will take place between this meeting and the end of January 2005.
The chair will undertake to present to the council some options
at the first meeting in February 2005.
<Julian> Well, we don't really need a resolution for that, we can just
discuss it on the mailing list.
<grumpy> I think the motion is useful
<csm-laptop> the council shall consider creation of a legal entity <----
important and why I make a motion... the rest is details
* grumpy seconds 1539u
<csm-laptop> votes?
<MarkK> 1539u: yes
<csm-laptop> 1539u: yes
<Julian> 1539u: yes
<grumpy> yes, and with the HSARPA proposal, I think the idea of creating a
legal entity is important
<csm-laptop> so ordered
<grumpy> 1539u yes