(Proposed on 2004-12-11 by Julian Mehnle and Meng Weng Wong. Passed unanimously.)
<Julian> 1. I suggest we choose an official name for the council, other than
"SPF Leadership Council". As I have already explained on #spf a few
days ago, I think the term "leadership" in "leadership council" has
negative connotations in some parts of the world, especially where
I live.
<csm> okay...
<csm> is there an alternative suggestion for this bodies official name?
* Julian proposes "SPF Project Council" or "SPF Steering Council".
<Julian> (But better proposals are welcome.)
* csm prefers (of those two alternatives) the 2nd one
* grumpy could live with either, but likes the second one better
<freeside> how about "SPF Council"
* MarkK prefers the second one too
<csm> what about freeside's suggestion?
<csm> frankly I think I like it even better
* grumpy could live with "SPF council" also, but slightly prefers "SPF Steering
<Julian> I'd prefer "SPF Project Council" over "SPF Council", but I think
"SPF Steering Council" is even better.
<csm> do I hear a motion?
<grumpy> does anyone *dislike* any of the proposed alternatives?
<csm> I do not like "Project"
<Julian> csm: You may be right.
<csm> it minimizes what we are about
<MarkK> 'project' has the ring of temporariness to it
<grumpy> anyone else have comments?
<Julian> We can always rename the council to "AMSG Steering (or whatever)
Council" later.
<csm> Steering is okay but I think the non-descript "SPF Council" is even
<csm> no limits fore or aft
* grumpy decides that shorter is better and switches to "SPF Council"
<Julian> I could live with "SPF Council". I guess I'll just have to get used
to it. :)
<csm> okay...
<Julian> I formally propose to name the council "SPF Council".
<csm> freeside make your motion
<csm> ah
<csm> the chair hears a motion
<Julian> (Clipboard rules.)
<csm> do we have a second?
<grumpy> seconded
<csm> okay
<csm> votes
<Julian> 2019u: yes
<grumpy> 2019u: yes
<MarkK> 2019u yes
<grumpy> freeside: ?
<csm> so ordered... (it was freesides choice)